Saturday, September 1, 2012


1.      The definition of arête to me is to do well or have greatness in whatever you do. Just to be successful in the things you do and strive at. Socrates did that exact thing, he was a philosopher and his intellect and writing was very upscale. He taught people to make their own decisions and make. He thought it was his duty to speak to people and fill them with more wisdom.  Some of the stuff he said was controversial to Athens but he kept his beliefs. Ancient Greece showed arête because they built a democracy where people could help decide what they did in the city-state. They also strived to have a well-built military. They want to have a strong government and be a well-respected country.

2.      If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates came to America of the year of 2012 they would be fascinated. They would be amazed how strong our government is, how we have all these checks and balances so no one branch could dictate the country. They would also be impressed how strong our military is and Socrates would agree with our Democracy. Also Socrates would love how people make their own decisions. Elbert Hubbard would think that some people are lazy and there aren’t enough Garcia’s. They would be amazed by our technology and how advanced we got. Overall they would be impressed with the things we do today.

3.      Well I’m always going to be focused in the classroom and make sure I stay on top of my work. I will also ask for help if I need it for anything, I realized that academically it is more demanding and if I don’t ask for help I will just fall behind. Also I need stay real organized for all my classes, have binders and folders neat and ready for all my subjects. I have to balance out my academics and extra-curricular activities, as a student athlete I know I have to put academics first or else I can’t do anything else. I just have to prioritize and do what’s best for me. Last but not least I have to be responsible, just ask for the work when I have been out for school or do something related to my extra-curricular activities. If I do all these things for all four years I will be pretty successful and will have a bright future.

1 comment:

  1. #1: 23/25 (A). Good point about Greece being so proud of their democracy.

    #2: 25/25 (A+). Very good analysis. I agree with your assessment of Hubbard and Socrates.

    #3 25/25 (A+). This is a great plan! Stick with this and you will have a fantastic career at JC!
