Saturday, September 1, 2012


We went over some vocabulary words in class today. Like the word arete, it means to have excellence in whatever you do. Another word we learned was polis, it was an ancient city in Greece. We also learned about Socrates, Socrates was a philosopher who believed in making your own decisions. The death of Socrates was quite intriguing. When he was founded guilty of his charges he had to choose his death ,  so he decided to drink the poison so it would be a quick death.The Socratic method was a way students to ask a lot of questions until they fully understand what it is about, it is still used today. We also talked about the year 508 B.C. when the people revolted against the leader, this was a very crucial part. Another word was agora, it was where everyone met at and they gathered there to do different things. Lastly I learned that if you didn't vote you were called an idiot because you finally are able to help make decisions where you live and you don't take advantage of it.

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