Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In class today we were getting caught up on our work in Human Geography. Also we had four new students in our class today. First we said the prayer and then got class started. The new kids had to make a blog and some of the students that were already in the class were helping them out. It took some longer than others but we are making sure everyone is at the same pace. However , I  was making sure my work was caught up so I will be prepared in all of my classes for the rest of the day. I did some homework and just stayed quiet and let other people catch up. We have to have everything right so we can really get rolling next week, we already did some work though. Also you could get on free rice if you were all caught up. Basically we are just getting use to the classes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Message to Garcia

Today in class Mr. Schick read "A Message to Garcia" and it seemed kind of weird at first. After we got into to it you could understand it more and more. Then some parts threw you off because this was written in 1899 after the war between Spain and the USA. It was describing stuff that happened during the war. The President sent Rowan on a mission to send this message to Garcia but they didn't know what his address was or where he was at. That didn't stop Rowan, he went to Cuba and went looking for him and didn't stop. He was very determined to find Garcia. Rowan stayed focused on his job and didn't let anyone distract him. He didn't care what other people did he just stayed focused on what we had to do. Elbert Hubbard (the author) was trying to show us that we need to do whats best and have self interest in what we are doing. We had a little discussion in class and talked about how its the beginning of the year and we have to be "Rowan" and stayed focused on our job and do well at what you do. It was a pretty good story to start out the school year with, it was to motivate us for the school year. After that class was pretty much over.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today in Class

The first thing we did in class was to see if everybody was connected to the Wi-Fi. Right after that we went over what we would be doing this semester by reading the syllabus on the over head. There was some insightful information that I needed to know and help me be successful this semester , so I  stayed focus on the information. After we got through the syllabus we went to the blog and we were trying to get use to Blogger on google. The teacher went around to assist on stuff we didn't know how to do or if we had trouble sending you our blog page. If you were finished all that we got to go on free rice and answer some questions about geography. Then that pretty much wraps up what we did in class. Today was kind of a slower pace class but that was only because we need a good foundation so we know what to do in class.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The orientation at John Carroll was quite interesting for me. I got to see who are my teachers and the students I will be spending the first semester with. I was actually intrigued by some of my classes like English , Human Geography and French. Also the people I met were pretty nice and seemed pretty easy going , so I wasn't really nervous.Meeting people from around the world was pretty interesting for me. I also thought the teachers gave some good advice but I got so much information in one day that it's kind of hard to remember all of the information that quickly. Other than that the day was fine. I am kind of excited to start a new chapter to my life and hopefully I can make the best out of my experience. My brother went to John Carroll too so he told me what I can expect and and told me how committed I had to be. I think this should be a very exciting year for me.