Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond is an author who wrote a famous book called " Gun, Germs, and Steel " and also wrote another good book called " The Third Chimpanzee." He also won the Pulitzer prize, this is the highest award in publishing and writing. Jared Diamond is a professor at UCLA and he has two PhD's. Another thing I found out about Jared Diamond is that he is an ornithologist and an anthropologist. Mr. Diamond also worked in New Guinea. He is a very intelligent man and a well respected man around the world also  Let's get back to his book, his book was so famous that it became a documentary.
Jared Diamond made a trip to New Guinea and a man asked him " Why do white men have so much cargo and we New Guineans so little. " Jared Diamond didn't know how to respond to the question either and he was in awe. That made him want to study this even more. New Guineans still do hunting and gathering and in this documentary they are going to talk about why some civilizations advanced and others didn't. The beginning of this movie was quite intriguing and I want to see more of it Monday when we return to class

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