Friday, October 12, 2012


Christianity was founded in Palestine around the beginning of 1 AD. It is monotheistic they only believe in one God. Yes they have a book that they follow and it is called The Holy Bible. Thirty-three percent of the world believes in the Christian faith. Jesus is the central figure for this religion because God made himself in a human form. Came on the earth and lived a perfect life and then died on the cross for our sins. This mostly takes place in the Middle East.
 The Islamic faith was founded in Mecca and Saudi Arabia about 622 BCE. They only worship one God so they are monotheistic. The book that they use as their guide is called the Qur’an. 1.3 billion People believe in the Islamic faith. Muhammad was spreading the word to people about the one and true God to a polytheistic world. The geographical Concentration is in Mecca. Buddhism was founded in the location of Northeastern India in 520 BCE.
Buddhism is a polytheistic culture. The book that Buddhist follows is called Tipitaka.  About 360 million people follow the religion Buddhism. Buddha is the central for this religion even though there are other gods. Many people from China, Korea, and Japan believe in Buddhism.  Hinduism was founded in India 1500 BCE.
 Hinduism is also a polytheistic religion. The sacred texts are Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, and Bhagavad Gita. 900 million people believe or worship the Hindu faith. Belief about a God or gods is not the essential. People in India, United Kingdom, and the United States.
 Judaism was founded in Mesopotamia around 1300 BC. Like the Christina faith it is also monotheistic. The text that they use is Tanakh with the Talmud. 14 million people believe in Judaism. Their god is Yahweh which is their one and only God. Most of these people practice this religion in Israel, Europe and USA.  

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