Tuesday, December 11, 2012

In class today we finished our projects with our groups. We just had to put our finishing touches on our slideshow today. Also we had to cite all the work that we got our information on about Levi's. Another thing we did was make a poster and we made a slogan to go with it. I think we will a pretty good job tomorrow on our presentation. I also think we have enough information enough to present in our project tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how the other groups came along in their slide show. I am looking forward towards tomorrow.

Monday, December 10, 2012

In class today we started working on our projects with our groups. We are finding information about the company Levi. One of the few companies that are still manufactured in the United States. We learned about their history, who founded the company, and some interesting facts about the country. Also we saw the income they make each year. It was quite insightful to learn all the stuff about Levi's today. We are going to put in some more work in tomorrow and hopefully we will have our project ready soon.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


  • Capitalism - Country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
  • Communism -  system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state; classless
  • Free Enterprise - an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation.
  • Free Market - an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

In class today we continued watching the movie we saw yesterday, I made mistake yesterday we are watching part three instead of part two. In the movie it said pretty soon more people will be driving in China and there will also be more highways. Three-fourth of the cars they are driving  global companies. Lifan is a Chinese company who is trying to make cars and be the main company in China and hopefully build their cars and send them to other countries around the world. Also I learned that US companies have their factories in China and send the cars to cities and China. Another thing I learned was China is the biggest producer and consumer of steel in the world, the United States use to lead in this.

Monday, December 3, 2012

In class today we watched "The People's Republic of Part 2". It was talking about the new use of transportation they are starting to use more cars. Not everyone is following the rules and regulations either. People will make a u-turn where it's not even safe or they won't drive in the flow of traffic. Also they handle car accidents differently, the cops come on the spot and state the solution and who is at fault or if they both had some responsibility towards the accident. Also, the drivers would honk their horns every thirty seconds. Another thing was, they are learning how to drive at an older age, unlike the United States in their teen years. The people in China usually rode around in bikes so this is a major difference for them. It should be interesting what we are gonna see tomorrow.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

In class Friday we were finished watching "The People's Republic of Capitalism". There was a man from Chongqing  China who moved to Potomac  Maryland to find a cure for AIDS. He was getting paid a good amount of money but decided to go for less to go back to Chongqing  China to work for less pay but will have a bigger work place. If he finds the cure he will get paid a lot of money anyway. Also in the movie when China would talk about the United States they were impressed and vise verse if the United States talk about China. After the movie was over we had a discussion about the movie and everyone could give their own opinion about it.